National Academies: Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: A Virtual Workshop – August 26-27, 2020.
This Environmental Health Matters Initiative (EHMI) workshop delved into the rapidly evolving science on the spread of the virus, as part of a larger body of COVID-19 related work at the National Academies.
The workshop featured experts in aerosol science, virology, infectious disease, and epidemiology.
CLICK HERE for the Workshop Agenda and Speakers.PDF.
CLICK HERE to access the video playlist of the 32 slide presentations PDFs.
CLICK HERE for the National Academies COVID-19 Responses & Resources.
As the COVID-19 pandemic grips the nation and the world, the National Academies are rapidly mobilizing critical expertise in science, engineering, and medicine to inform government response and recovery efforts with evidence-based guidance, and are facilitating collaboration across research disciplines and between the public and private sectors.