Student Evaluation of 2019 Control of Biohazards Course - Legionella

Student Evaluation of 2019 Control of Biohazards Course

Johns Hopkins University Mt. Washington Conference Center.
Baltimore, MD 21209.  –  April 8 – April 12, 2019.


Overall quality of instruction:
Course objectives clearly stated…………….99%.
Clarity of presentation……………………….96%.
Designated material covered…………………89%.
Relates to practical problems & issues………92%.
Questions and discussion……………………85%.
Audio-visual aids…………………………….93%.
Reference materials………………………….97%.
Overall teaching quality……………………..96%.

 Rate the following items about facilities:
Lodging and accommodations………………94%.
Conference facilities…………………………91%.

 Circle “Yes” or “No” for the following items:
Did the program meet your expectations?…100% Yes.
Would you recommend this course?……….100% Yes.
Enugh time for discussion and questions?….80% Yes.
Were the visual aids:…………………………90% Adequate…10% Too voluminous.
Your overall evaluation of the course is:……90% Excellent…10% Good.
Course meet the course objectives?…………80% Completely…20% Much of it.

Do you think the course was worthwhile?   
Worth taking the time, energy, travel, etc….100% Yes.
 Did you learn anything from the course?….100% Yes.

How would you compare this course with
other continuing education courses
you have attended?…………………………80% Better…20% About the same.

Can you implement what you have learned
from the course?……………………………34% Completely…66% Much of it.

How did you learn about the course?………..35% Referral…50% Email listserv…15% Internet.
What is your major field of interest?………..72% Biosafety…28% EHS/Lab Safety.
Do you work for private industry?…………..20% Yes…80% No.
   If yes, what industry?……………………….0% Pharmaceutical…67% Biotech…33% Other Consulting.
Do you work for a government agency?..……26% Yes…74% No.
If yes:………………………………..……..50% Federal…50% State…0% Local.
Do you work for an academic institution?…..46% Yes…54% No.
If yes:……………………………………….38% State…12% Public…50% Private.
Describe position:…………………………….Biosafety Officer 30%…EHS 60%…Director 10%.
Biosafety responsibilities?……………………87% Yes…13% No.
If Yes:………………………………………53% Biosafety Officer…47% EHS Manager/Director.